Tuesday, October 27, 2009


. Where have my words gone? They used to, many times, flow out of my pen.
These days I can not speak out ...nor write...the words that are still on my human "hard drive". I falter ...mid-sentence.
. Lord, I have loved words all the days of my life...must I lose them in these last miles?
. God have mercy.
. Let my words not
skitter away
like dry leaves on a
windy day.......
.... and, Lord, even though I may never understand all the roads You have destined
us to follow....I KNOW ...that You know our end from the beginning,
and that Your Grace enfolds us every step of the Way. Amen

1 comment:

  1. I found one, when I slammed my hand in the door! oops...I don't think it was one of yours though. Love you tons!
